As rumor has it, Miss Milly Vahn has long since gone mad..losing her mind to the ages of her body. Some speculate that there is a deeper reason for the madness, but she is no doubt a very old woman.
Milly Vahn has owned the Old Tower Inn since she was a young woman, inheriting it from her father. Around the ripe age of fifty, she was visiting an orphanage where she found a child by the name of Laila, though she never thought she was the type to raise a child; she could not let the girl alone in the world.
Laila was adopted when she was a young child and grew up in the Inn, referring to Milly as her "Gramma".. in the recent years, since Milly has been unable to see to the Inn.. Laila Vahn has taken over as Inn Mistress.
Milly spends most of her time wandering the halls of the Old Tower or away in her room; some nights are bad nights for her and the patrons of the Inn complain about her crying in the night and songs of madness.